Munchkins and Mayhem

Munchkins & Mayhem

A Kids Crafts Blog

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Snow Painting

Really quite lucky has a colorful idea for kids to have some fun in the snow.  She mixes food coloring and water and fills up spray bottle for the kids to get artistic. Another good idea is to use this for spelling exercise and have the kids write the week's words out in the snow.

Good for ages 2 and up.

Get the instructions here:

Snow Sensory Box

In case you don't want to bring real snow indoors or there's no snow outside white shredded plastic bags make a great substitute.  Add wintery items such as plastic trees and snowmen, and animals to hop around for lots of imaginative play.

Playdoh Snowmen

Too cold to go outside to build snowmen or don't have any snow?  Build an indoor snowman with playdoh.  It's a lot easier, plus fun to find different items to make the face, arms and buttons. 

Here's the basic playdoh recipe:

2 cups cornstarch
1 cup salt
1 1/2 cups boiling water
2 tablespoons cream of tartar
2 tablespoons vegetable oil

Add silver glitter to make it sparkle like freshly fallen snow.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Make Your Own Snow

Did you know that you can use the contents of a diaper to make fake snow?  It's crazy but it works.  Remove the insides, add to your favorite sensory bin and let the kids add water.  The material expands and makes a squishy snowy substance.

Bitz n giggles uses everything from sugar to salt to shaving cream to coffee filters.

Get the instructions here:

Pipe Cleaner Penguins

Kolcraft makes a simple penguin figure using orange, black and white pipe cleaners.

Good for ages 5 and up.

Get the instructions here:

Paper Plate Polar Bear Mask

I heart crafty things turns a paper plate into a polar bear mask using torn white tissue paper for fur and an empty fruit cup for the nose.

Good for ages 4 and up.

Get the instructions here:

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Refrigerator Snowman

Crafting my talents sticks paper eye, nose, mouth, scarf and buttons onto a refrigerator to turn it into a snowman.

Good for ages 6 and up.

Get the instructions here:

Craft jr's version has a hat.  

Get the instructions here:
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