Munchkins and Mayhem
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A Kids Crafts Blog
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Cork Snake
Iiiopox, a Russian site, has a cute idea of how to make a snake out of wine corks, a ribbon and paint.
Good for ages 6 and up.
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Red tri makes her version with thread and unpainted corks.
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Straw Rockets
Curious kangaroo has a really nifty idea for how to make a rocket out of a bendy straw and paper. Basically kids decorate blank paper with drawing and wrap them around the straw which they then use to shoot the paper out.
Good for ages 7 and up.
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A little learning for two has a different version. She simply cuts out two identical patterns and tapes around the straw.
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All for the boys has a version with fins.
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Whimsy love has a super simple version.
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Inner child fun adds a fiery blast to hers.
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Bubble Painting

Disney's family fun has instructions for how kids can make colored soap bubble prints using bubble solution, paint, and straws. They'll have lots of fun blowing the bubbles up really high and get to keep the experience by pressing down a piece of paper on the bubbles.
Good for ages 5 and up.
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Hello wonderful uses lots of colors and less bubbles.
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Fireflies and mudpies make prints by pressing paper onto the soap bubbles.
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Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Playtime Invitations
The imagination tree has a wonderful idea of setting up play stations throughout the house to encourage kids to play with new objects.
Good for ages 4 and up.
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Fabric Magnet Board
Lively lou designs sells fabric magnet boards on Etsy however as pointed out on pinterest you could make these yourself. Just get a cookie sheet from the dollar store and cover with fabric.
Good for ages 10 and up.
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Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Marbled Painted Pots
It's gravy baby shows how to take a terracotta pot and drizzle paint upon it to give and swirl it with a paint brush it a nifty marbled look.
Good for ages 3 and up.
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Scrapbook Paper Frames
Fave crafts has a cute idea for how to dress up a plain wood frame using scrapbook paper and glue.
Good for ages 6 and up.
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Monday, February 25, 2013
Masking Tape Games
What to expect has a really great idea for an indoor activity on a cold winter day. Using masking tape you can make a hopscotch game, a target game, tic-tac-toe, a balance beam, and more.
Good for ages 2 and up.
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How to Preserve a Snowflake

Boys life has a fun tutorial on how to catch a snowflake. The mechanism is pretty involved though. You need acetate, acrylic coating, cardboard, clothes pins and coolers. But it seems like it would be well worth the effort.
Good for ages 8 and up.
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Sunday, February 24, 2013
Threaded Hex Nut Necklace
Renewed upon a dream has one of the easiest necklace tutorials ever. All you need is a hex nut and some thin yarn. She suggests using a needle to wrap the hex nut but little fingers should be nimble enough to wrap the yarn.
Good for ages 8 and up.
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How to Make an Origami Boat
Bloomize has instructions for making several types of origami boats. They've added paper hearts to each but they could be made without the hearts as well.
Good for ages 8 and up.
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Captain crafty has a different version of a folded boat. Using crayon scribbled paper for the design.
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Good for ages 8 and up.
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Captain crafty has a different version of a folded boat. Using crayon scribbled paper for the design.
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Saturday, February 23, 2013
Shrinky Dink Rings
Planet june has a beautiful tutorial on how to make shrinky dink rings using rubber stamps and shrink plastic.
Good for ages 10 and up.
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Lana red makes three separate rings that all work together. They can be stacked to appear all as one or spread out to create a story on your finger.
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Pow! Glitter mint makes a super hero version.
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Bookmarks Made Out of Duct Tape
The duct tape brand shows how to use their tape to make a cute bookmark. You'll also need cute stickers and some ribbon.
Good for ages 6 and up.
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Friday, February 22, 2013
Cardboard Train Station
Celebrate every day with me has great way to repurpose a box into a tunnel for cars or trains using markers and tape.
Good for ages 7 and up.
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Thrive 360 living adds trees and letters to her version.
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Beaded Bubble Wands
Catbird 365 share an idea for the most beautiful bubble wands using copper wire and glass beads.
Good for ages 10 and up.
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The artful parent uses beads on the bubble part of the wand instead of the stem, which seems more suitable to younger kids.
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Intimate weddings uses sea glass to make their version.
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My very educated mother uses colored wire and pony beads.
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Thursday, February 21, 2013
Secret Service Activities
Be fickle has a fun way to get kids involved in helping others by setting up and assigning them "secret service activities." Activities include smiling at others, baking cookies for neighbors, writing letters to soldiers.
Good for ages 2 and up.
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Fine Motor Skill Activities
Sweet happy life has an easy idea for toddlers to work on their fine motor skills using pipe cleaners and a colander. They can have fun weaving the pipe cleaners in and out.
Good for ages 2 and up.
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Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Box Puzzles
Meaningful mama has a nifty way to repurpose cardboard box flaps by cutting divots out of the sides so they can fit together to make puzzles or what she calls stackers. All you need are cardboard boxes, spray paint and a scissors.
Good for ages 7 and up.
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Hello wonderful makes different geometric shapes.
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Guess Who Gets Educational
Board game geek has a very cleaver way of turning the Guess Who game into a study aid for kids learning about the US Presidents. You would really need to know about them to play this game. Another idea is using site words.
Class grenadine uses numbers in their version and includes rules to keep kids actively trying.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Beaded Windchimes has a pretty way to create a wind chime using beads and a bottle cap and yarn. Make sure to get sturdy beads or tie a knot between each one so they all don't fall in a gusty storm.
Good for ages 8 and up.
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Two big two little has a version that uses a plastic lid instead of a cap.
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One artsy mama uses a terra cotta pot for her version.
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Jamie at frogs and snails and puppy dog tails adds colorful bottle caps in between the beads.
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Crafts by amanda uses bottle caps and beads also.
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An Artistic Nature Walk
Kiwi crate shares an interesting way to combine a craft and activity. She suggests taking a nature walk and drawing found objects leaving a post it note of the child's vision.
Good for ages 3 and up.
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Sunday, February 17, 2013
President's Day White House Kids Craft
Kaboose shares a creative way to make your own White House using painted popsicle sticks and construction paper and glue.
Good for ages 7 and up.
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Saturday, February 16, 2013
President's Day Log Cabin
Kaboose has an edible spin on president's day with instructions for how to make a log cabin out of pretzel rods and chocolate frosting. Kids will have fun eating this historic cottage.
Good for ages 6 and up.
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Friday, February 15, 2013
President Lincoln and Washington Puppets
Kaboose has very cute cute idea for how to make president finger puppets using representative coins and construction paper.
Good for ages 7 and up.
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Thursday, February 14, 2013
Valentine Heart Candy Message
Shenanigans in second has a cute idea for writing a personal valentine's day note using the candy message hearts.
Good for ages 8 and up.
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Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Valentines Day Wake Up
Skip to my lou has an adorable way to decorate the kids' bedroom on Valentine's day by placing several paper heart messages on their doors. You could also decorate all around their room or bathroom mirror.
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Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Mardi Gras Mask
Freebie spot has a cute idea for how to make a Mardi Gras mask using hand and even foot prints and bright colorful construction paper.
Good for ages 4 and up.
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Stained Glass Valentine's
Artful kids has a great way for the toddling set to make their own valentines. Have the kids finger paint onto a sheet of paper. Then glue that paper to a card with cutout hearts on the front. The kids' fingerpainting will show through the cut outs to make a very pretty card,
Good for ages 2 and up.
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Monday, February 11, 2013
Butterfly Valentines
The examiner shows how to take a toilet paper roll, pipe cleaner and construction paper and make a cute valentine.
Good for ages 6 and up.
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Easy child crafts use lots of cut out hearts on their version.
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