Celebrate winter with a sensory box using one of these many elements.
White rice makes a great filler for a winter sensory bin. The Iowa farmers wife also uses glittery snowflakes and plastic penguins and snowmen.
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Fake snow is the base for this winter sensory bin. Rubber boots and elf shoes also adds pompoms and foam snowflakes.
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Suzy home schooler uses grated soap for her version. She also adds a spoon and white beans for scooping fun.
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Hollys art corner uses snow dough. She then adds small foam penguins and snowflakes and pretty marbles along with measuring tools.
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Teaching my blessings uses cotton balls and Styrofoam balls along with winter words.
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Childhood beckons uses cotton batting and lots of plastic winter accessories for her version.
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1 plus 1 plus 1 equals 1 uses packing peanuts and lots of plastic penguins and snowflakes.
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Two little seeds uses polystyrene balls, lots of spoons, beads and a common theme, penguins.
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Playing house in Maryland uses lots of stuffed penguins, measuring cups, baby pine cones, and beads.
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How we learn at home uses salt and pom poms for her version.
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Make snowmen from ping pong balls. Katherine maries adds shredded blue paper to cushion the snowmen parts.
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